Saturday, 9 April 2011

Research - Body Language / Facial Expressions of Fear

Facial Expressions:

Research has identified people who are feeling fear or unease often do not make direct eye contact with another person and instead look at the floor, at their hands or surroundings. With this in mind, my character will take this into consideration by never looking directly at the camera and being weary of his surroundings while feeling this emotion. Fear in facial expressions is also often expressed by wide eyes, raised eyebrows and flared nostrils. Their mouth may be tightly clenched or the person may bite their upper or lower lip.

Body Language:

Body postures such as slouching or hunching often indicate fear in a person. This is because they want to minimise themselves physically in order to not be noticed. Some people may appear the opposite, with forms of aggressive behaviour such as squaring their shoulders and pushing out their chests to try and appear as big as possible and assert their dominance. The characters personality is one of less dominance and more submissive. This helps people feel sympathy for the character and will help the character to build a relationship with the audience. The most obvious sign of fear is shaking or rocking. This is also a common way of conveying fear in cartoons and animation as it is the symptom most associated with fear and clear for the audience to pick up on.


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